We empower our community partners with innovative solutions that make way for value-based care. By investing in providers’ success and enabling our community partners to leverage our technology, management expertise, and existing infrastructure, we can foster accomplishments across the board and provide top-notch patient care.
We take each specific need of our partners into account, allowing us to align to deliver collaborative care . The unique opportunity we provide is for compensation to rely only on the quality of care provided versus the number of encounters. This alternative allows providers to take advantage of risk-adjusted payment models and start seeing fortified revenue and positive patient interactions.
Value-based reimbursement techniques provide good opportunities, but providers are faced with increasing complexity. Fee for service reimbursement models have a long history but have been reducing payments consistently, causing a deterioration in the quality of patient care just to maintain profit. In addition, many barriers pop up, becoming an even greater challenge for entry, requiring staff, technology, management, and infrastructure investments to skyrocket.
Joining our network of CareMax Community Partners means you will get to work with clinicians to see value-based payment program growth without compromising the level and quality of patient care.
First, you will receive an initial consultation. Our team will then dispatch our practice transformation specialist, integrating our technology into the workflow that already exists for you and your team. Finally, you can optimize your practice to improve value across the board.
Working with CareMax and our team of experienced and dedicated practice transformation specialists means improved patient outcomes. Visit us online to learn more about working with us.